Principal's Message
Chad Stuart, Principal (right)
Michael Song, Assistant Principal (left)
Welcome to Del Mar Middle School! This is my third year as principal at the school and it has been an absolute pleasure. I can say, without hesitation, that we have a terrific staff - one of the best I’ve worked with in my career. In addition, we have a supportive community and outstanding students. It is truly a pleasure to be the principal at this school.
Our school has a focus on achievement, belonging and inclusion. We focus on creating a positive learning experience and school environment for all students. Our school was recognized in 2024 as a California Distinguished School, awarded to just over 10 % of middle schools in the state. In addition, we are also a California “Schools to Watch,” an award that recognizes Del Mar’s excellence. Our school prides itself on helping our students be engaged citizens into the future.
I encourage you to explore our website and see for yourself the excellent school we have at Del Mar Middle School!
Chad Stuart, Del Mar Middle School Principal