WELCOME to Del Mar's Library Information Media Center
Read, research, explore, investigate, study, record, listen, view, collaborate, relax, and more.
You are welcome to visit the Library every day!
The library is open before school, during all breaks, and after the first 12 minutes of the lunch period.
Come to the library to read -- of course -- but also ask questions, print, research, collaborate with classmates, get some quick research or tech help, complete homework, recharge your iPad, consult textbooks and other reference material, or just find a place to think.
Need assistance? Just ask! Mr. Sonneville (rsonneville@reedschools.org) and the library crew are here to help!
Library Tools
The place to find books in our library
You can search ALEXANDRIA for books. Watch this quick video for info.
SIGN IN with your RUSD username and password.
SEARCH for titles or authors.
Check your EMAIL for info about return dates.
Want to RENEW a book through Alexandria? Watch this video.
Want to put a HOLD on a book? Watch this video.
LOST or DAMAGED BOOKS should be reported to Mr. Sonneville rsonneville@reedschools.org
There is a $25/book replacement FEE for LOST books. Damaged books are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
SORA eBooks
The place to get free eBooks
SORA, our ebook app, now connects to the Marin Public Library with NO library card needed!
Check this doc for COMPLETE info on how to access eBooks and audiobooks on SORA.
And here's a quick overview video highlighting some of SORA's cool features.
Find New Books and Authors
The place to find book recommendations, new authors, and free books
- Discover a whole world of adventure with the various links to free eBooks and audiobooks.
Research Tools
The first place to start researching any project or paper is on the Classlink app on your ipad.
Find multiple platforms to research topics, including ProQuest, Britannica, GALE, and more.
BelTib Public Library
The BelTib Library is an excellent resource in your community, with countless books, magazines, and films to check out. If Del Mar doesn't have something you are looking for, your public library will!
Use the search engine on their website and ask to speak with Rebecca Jung (the Teen Services Librarian at the BelTib Library).
Get a LIBRARY CARD and be able to use the entire Marin County Library system! Use this form to get a card.
Del Mar Library Videos
Every month, we release a video to share books in our collection, cultural events on campus, and to celebrate great work at Del Mar.
You can watch the videos on Youtube or Google Drive.
Free Access to Local Newspapers
Log into the Marin IJ and San Francisco Chronicle for free.