Research Resources
Get to know the incredible research tools available to you!
Find all these research apps in your Classlink app. If you are using a desktop or personal device, use the links below.
Noodle Tools
Use Noodle Tools Express to create citations for your papers and projects.
Britannica offers encyclopedias and related materials for students of all levels. Users can also take advantage of the Learning Materials, a collection of educational exercises, activities, and study guides.
ProQuest is a collection of many databases that provide access to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers, dissertations, and other publications.
To login, use the following name and password:
Username: @Reed1819
Password: @Reed1819
BrainPOP is an educational tool for students featuring videos and quizzes on many subjects.
Gale in Context
Gale in Context is a database designed to support science studies by providing contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics and showcase scientific disciplines that relate to real-world issues.
Gale Interactive
Gale Interactive is a visual tool that helps students learn complex topics in biology, chemistry, human anatomy, and earth/space science. Interactive tools allow users to zoom, rotate, and explore 3D models to engage with science beyond static text.
National Geographic
National Geographic Kids is a site featuring educational games, videos, and other activities, centered mostly on animals and the natural world.