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Students learn how to talk about activities they enjoy, their friends, classes, favorite foods, drinks, and healthy habits. They use the regular present tense to converse with each other, act out skits, write poems, create art, and make presentations. Reading opportunities include the mini-novel “Isabela Captura Un Congo,” articles and online content. Students experience Mexican history, culture, art, and music--for example, “El Día de los Muertos” and “El Día de Independencia de México.”

Intermediate Spanish

Students must have taken Introductory Spanish to enroll in this course. In this 2nd year class, we will continue to practice and master communicating in the present tense as well as learn how to talk about what they are going to do in the future and in the simple past.  We will learn to communicate in real world contexts such as: describing symptoms at a doctors office, talking about a variety of sports, speaking on past vacations, what you like to do in your free time and much much more! Students will engage with the culture and language through popular music with our "Songs of the Week."  We will read short stories and novels, write paragraphs, narratives and short essays, act out scenarios, and engage with a variety of digital platforms and games.

Advanced Spanish

Students must have taken Intermediate Spanish to take this course. In this 3rd year class, students learn to talk about extra-curricular activities, explain daily routines, state what they did over their past vacation, and explain what they were like as a child. By the end of the year, students will be able to speak and write in the present and the past tenses. Student work includes conversing with partners, making presentations, and reading books and online material. Cultural influences include la Conquista, the impact of Muslims on Spanish language and culture, Mexican Independence Day, the influences of náhuatl on Spanish, and African influences on Cuban and New Orleans jazz. Current events are a significant part of the course, too.

Skills and Competencies

  • Listening and Speaking
  • Reading and Writing
  • Culture